About Us
Volunteer Marine Rescue (VMR) Raby Bay
On water assistance and search and rescue service based at Cleveland Point
Volunteer Marine Rescue (VMR) Raby Bay is a group of volunteers who operate an on water assistance and search and rescue service based at Cleveland Point. VMR Raby Bay is just one of many VMR squadrons located throughout Queensland. VMR Raby Bay has approximately 70 active volunteer members and over 500 ‘On Water Assistance Members’ (previously known as ‘Associate Members’).
Providing assistance to boat users, whether or not they are On Water Assistance Members and providing on water transport for the Queensland Ambulance Service (Medivacs), are our core areas of business; however, it is our ability to assist in life threatening emergency situations, for example, serious marine incidents and search and rescue operations, that makes ours an indispensible service. VMR Raby Bay also offers services to local boaties. Conveniently located at the William Street boat ramp on Cleveland Point, we offer a log on service so that people can log their travel plans with someone who will monitor their return. We also collect expired marine flares.
Our base operates from 6am to 6pm every Saturday, Sunday and on public holidays. Outside these hours, our members are essentially ‘on call’ and there is an after hours emergency number that reaches our Unit Resource Co-ordinator who is responsible for organising a response.
Our active members come from all walks of life and don’t require any prior experience or training. All training is provided at VMR Raby Bay, either on crew days (weekends) or after hours. This training consists of presentations, written assessment (via assignments and exams), and of course practical training and assessment. This training leads to a nationally acredited qualification and an AMSA recognised Commercial Coxswain licence.
Active members also participate in fund raising activities. VMR Raby Bay receives very little government funding and our members collect the majority of our funds directly from the public, at venues in Brisbane and the Redlands.